Monday, July 27, 2020

Election Nov 2020

BACKGROUND:   I am Greg Watkins running to be your representative on the City of Shasta lake Council.  I bring common sense and intelligence to this council.  I also know the history and legacy of our city having been born here and graduated from Central Valley High School.  

I pride myself in researching and understanding each issue to be voted on by the council.  If you ever need help resolving an issue in our city, I will take the time to hear your input, and do what I can to support you.

My wife Lani and I are committed Christians and attend St. Michaels Catholic church.  My faith helps to form a moral basis for how I approach each issue before the council.

I was first elected to the Council in November 2008 after organizing a measure to require two-acre parcels in the western portion of our city.  This effort was an attempt to stop the Mountain Properties subdivision near Yellow Pine from developing a subdivision with small ¼ acre parcels abutting existing homes on two acres.  The measure failed to pass by a small margin, but I proved myself to be a supporter for wise growth in our city.

During the 12 years I have been on the Council, I have served as your mayor three times, and am respected for my sound decision making.  Examples of efforts I supported include:  

FISCAL POLICY:  Our City is in sound financial shape and I have never voted to fund projects beyond the ability of our city.   We have a minimum of city Staff and workers who are hard working and an asset to our city.  Our unpaid liability for pensions is one of the smallest in the State.  

CITY HALL:  A new City Hall was constructed on the 11 acres of the abandoned Central Valley Intermediate School, and 2/3 of the $5 MM cost were funded with cash and the entire project will be soon be paid off.  

CANABIS IN OUR CITY:  I supported stringent controls over the Canabis dispensaries, which the State prop 64 really forced upon us.  We also developed limits on outdoor grows, and have hired a code enforcement officer and one additional sheriff deputy with the 6% tax from dispensary sales.  

CITY WATER:   I have worked with our City Manager and the Bureau of Reclamation  to finally secure a water delivery contract in perpetuity for water from Shasta Lake.  This is very important as all of our drinking water comes through the Dam, 100 ft or so below the surface and is pumped to our treatment plant above Fishermens Point, where it flow by gravity though out our city.  

FIRE SAFETY;  During and following the Carr Fire emergency, I worked to develop fire response contracts with CalFire in addition to wider fire breaks along our main roadways.  However during the evacuation of our City we discovered our city needed additional water storage above the Centimudi boat ramp to safely meet a future firestorm.   I will work to bring an additional 2.5 million gallons of water storage in addition to our existing  5 water tanks throughout the city. 
In addition the city is now funding half the salary of a fire safety marshal with the Shasta lake Fire Protection District.  

ESSENTIAL WORKERS:  The essential workers in our city were never shut down.   I realize that teachers are also essential workers and have supported the full time opening of our K through 12 schools.  A community can not exist without essential utilities or with schools closed. 

During the Covid shutdown our essential workers such as Linemen, water treatment operators and city maintenance workers were available 24/7.   In addition I realized early that the Virus is not spread outdoors so I pushed for our city parks and skate board park to be re opened long before out cities took similar actions.  Ours were opened which some cities were still dumping sand in their skate board parks.  

PANDEMIC SHUTDOWNS;  I believe the government shutdowns from Sacramento are largely not needed nor constitutional.  Shasta County has flattened the curve of hospitalizations, and now it is up to each resident to be responsible for their own well being. 
I believe history will show that this pandemic is dangerous, but is more akin to a bad flu season.  In addition, the closing of schools is worse than the virus its self.   Kids are the least vulnerable to the Covid 19 virus.  Nation wide only 30 school age kids have died from Covid.  Compare this to the 60+ students which die each year from the annual flu.   We have never closed our schools for the flu and unless some new facts surface, our schools should be open.  

OUR CONSTITUTION:  Never in the history of our Nation have we quarantined the healthy and closed churches and let criminals out of jail.  While there are promising signs a vaccine may be developed, it is important to develop herd immunity.  We must allow the young and the healthy to return to school and to work.  

BILL OF RIGHTS:  Restaurants and Churches should not be closed, but rather be treated the same as big box stores.  Our constitution guarantee’s that religious services shall not be infringed upon by the government.  Our entire constitution is intended to restrain the Government, not the citizens.  

If you want to observe me in action at any council meeting during the past few years, go to and click on view city council meetings.

I appreciate your vote on November 2, 2020.